Recognizing & Empowering Entrepreneurial Success


In Partnership with the IPOP Foundation, mentoring services may be provided. We would meet with you to talk through your idea or business and offer advice and input, and suggest ideas for what direction we feel will be most successful.


As an advisor we provide time, expertise, and connections, as well as opening doors and making introductions to potential investors, clients, and service providers. This service is performed for a combination of cash and equity that is equivalent to hiring a single seasoned executive with the benefit of utilizing our entire team.

Angel Investing

We are looking to angel invest our own capital into promising companies with investment size ranging between $25,000 to $2 million per investment.

Our Team

Amy Rees Anderson

Managing Partner and Founder

Amy created REES Capital to provide entrepreneurs and... Read More >>
Resources for Entrepreneurs
Amy Rees Anderson's Blog

Tomorrow will be my 53rd birthday.  53!!!  Where did the time go?!  The very last daily blog post I wrote was written exactly three years ago today on the night before my 50th birthday and was titled “What 50 years have taught me”.  That blog post read as follows:

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From: 53 and ME!